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How to Change Payer for an Invoice

Changing the payer for an invoice involves extra steps compared to changing the payer for a Sales Order due to laws that prohibits cancelling or modifying an Invoice directly. Consequently, the initial step is to generate a credit invoice.

To adjust the payer after creating an Invoice, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Invoice you wish to modify.

  2. Locate the three-dot action button positioned at the far right of the invoice, which provides access to the Invoice Management option.

  3. Select the "Credit Invoice" option from the menu.

The system will automatically generate a credit document to void the Invoice.

To create a new Sales Order, as the Invoice has been annulled through the credit document, follow these steps to establish a new reference for the product sold to the guest (booking):

  1. Click on "New Billing."

  2. In the pop-up window, choose the appropriate payer under the "To" field, select the correct payment method, and then click "Create New Order."

A new Sales Order will be generated. If the Sales Order is mistakenly assigned to the wrong payer, you can rectify this by utilizing the "Change Payer" option found within the Sales Order menu. 

To learn how to Change Payer for a Sales Order click here