How to see the balance of a booking with multiple rooms?

In this article is explained how can you see the full amount or the amount by room in a reservation with multiple rooms. From the Room Calendar and from the Booking View.

Reservations that have multiple rooms (to not be confused with Group Bookings), are displayed in the Room Calendar like this:

Room calendar view

If you want to see the full amount that needs to be paid for the reservation, you just need to hover the cursor over one of the segments and a pop-up will be shown:

Balance by hover

Also, at this step, if you click on one of the segments, a pop-up window will appear and you can see the full amount and the amount of each room from that reservation.

If you click on it, you can see the full amount, but also split by rooms

Now, from the Booking View, a reservation with multiple rooms will be displayed like this:

Reservation with multiple rooms

*From this view, you can select every room you want to see and amend details for, just by clicking on the room number in the highlighted area.