Everything you need to know about the Booking General functions from the Booking View.
The Booking General is a section that is displayed in the left part of the Booking View (what you can see when you open a reservation), where some important information can be found.
In the General section you can find the following:
Channel - The booking channel or the one who made the reservation in case of a manual booking
Reference - The booking reference number from the extranet
Booker - Who made the booking (usually the same as the guest name)
Status - The status of the booking (Confirmed - Cancelled - Partially Confirmed - Quote - On Request)
Cancellation policy - You can see if the booking is Refundable or Non-refundable
* This is a dynamic status that changes according to the period you are checking
Example: If the booking is Refundable until 3 days prior to the arrival date, the status will change to Non-refundable if the day you are checking is lest than 3 days prior to arrival.
More details about the booking can be shown if you CLICK on the More button from the right corner of the General section.
By clicking on More you can see the following:
State- in this case, the status of the room (Arrival - Stayed - Departure - No Show)
Booking date - the date and the exact time when the booking was made
Cancellation policy - in this case more detailed, can be seen by rooms (Ex. Double Room with Canal View)
To review or modify the booker's information, navigate to the "General" section. Look towards the right side of the booker's name, where you'll find two buttons: an edit button, symbolized by a grey pen icon, and an "add a card" button for adding a card to the reservation. To see or change the booker's details, click on the grey pen icon.
After you click on the edit button, a pop-up will show and you can see and amend all the booker's details.
Last but not least, in the General section you can see the Cancellation policy, to check if the reservation is Refundable or Non-Refundable.
Cancellation policy - You can check if the booking is Refundable or Non-refundable
* This is a dynamic status that changes according to the period you are checking
Example: If the booking is Refundable until 3 days before the arrival date, the status will change to Non-refundable if the day you are checking is less than 3 days prior to arrival.