How do I open a booking?

Opening a booking via Booking List or Room Calendar gives you acces to all details of the booking. When a booking is fully opened you can optimally view and edit the booking.

In the Booking List one can see all bookings regradless of its status. On the Room Calendar you will see all alloctated bookings (unalocated bookings will not be shown). If you would like to see the full details of a booking you will have to enter the booking by the following steps. 


Opening a booking via the Booking list or via search a booking:

  • Hover your mouse to the side bar and click Bookings
  • The Booking List will appear, if the reservation is already shown in the list continue with the next step, or search for a booking (see this article on how to search for a booking)
  • When clicking on the booking number it will immediately open up the booking fully
  • When clicking on the view button (eye) a pop up screen will appear giving you the base details of the booking. 
    (By clicking on the booking number on the top left hand corner you will open up the booking in full)

Opening a booking via the Room Calendar:

  • In the Room Calendar hover your mouse on the booking you would like to open. You will see a pop up appear that gives you basic inofrmation of the booking: 
  • Clicking on the booking once will give you the more detailed pop up. 
    (Clicking on the booking number on the top left hand corner will open up the booking in full)
  • A double click on the booking in the Room Calendar will immediately result in a fully opened booking