Although we would rather only receive bookings, cancelling a booking is done quite regularly for multiple reasons. In Noovy this is done by a few clicks, check out how in this article.
There are two ways available to cancel a booking:
Via the Booking List, and when opening the booking General Details section. Opening the booking can also be done via the Room Calendar and cancelled from there. So no matter on which part in Noovy you are currently working, cancelling a booking is only a few clicks away.
Cancelling via the Booking List:
- Hover your mouse to the side bar and click on Bookings
- The Booking List will appear
- Search for the booking via the filter on the top left of your screen (click here for article "How can I search a booking" )
- Once the booking has been found assure yourself you are about to cancel the CORRECT booking (!)
- Assure yourself if there are any charges applicable (check booking/cancellation policy) and charge if the policy is demanding this
- Click on the more action button (3 dots) at the far right hand sie of the booking line and hit Cancel Booking
- If cancellation reasons are configurated (up on descretion of the hotel manager) you will be asked to click on the reason applicable first to be able to cancel:

- A pop up message on the left bottom corner of your screen will appear if the booking was susscessfully cancelled and the status of the booking will be changed from confirmed to "Cancelled"
- You can send a confirmation of the cancelation (recommendable) via the "More action" button behind the reservation line
Cancel via the General Detail section of a booking:
- Hover your mouse to the side bar and click on Room Calendar
- Click on the booking you would like to cancel
- Click on the booking number on the top left hand corner of the pop up screen
- In the General detail section of the booking The status of the booking will be on confirmed. Click on More/ view button (eye symbol)
- In the next pop-up screen hit the edit button (pencil)
- You can now set the status to Cancelled
- A pop-up will appear on the bottom left-hand corner to notify you that the changes in the General Detail section were successfully executed. The status in the General Details will appear as Cancelled, also indicating the date and hour when it was done.
In order to check if cancelled bookings were charged accordingly one can download a list of cancelled bookings per period and check the cancellation policy per booking and see if charges were done accordingly. See this article on how to download booking lists.