How to cancel a non-refundable booking?

If a booking is past its free cancellation period and needs to be cancelled in the system, the payment will have to be balanced out with a cancellation fee. Here is how:


** Please note: If the booking is from an OTA such as Expedia or, the guest will have to cancel the booking him/herself first.

If the guest is no show, to cancel in NOOVY, all the steps below will be the same, yet replace Cancellation Fee for No Show Fee which is more or less the same, yet it will be more clear as to what the Sales Order is for adn why the booking was cancelled in NOOVY)


Go to the booking page of the concerning reservation.

Make sure the booking has a payment for the applicable amount. 

Make sure to toggle ON the City Tax toggle on the right hand upper corner of the booking Page. (The Cancellation Fee does usually not include the city tax.)

Cancel the Sales Order that was originally made and create a new Sales Order in New Billing:


Take the follwing steps:

  1. Select Sales Order
  2. Select Customer/Corporate/Channel (whatever is applicable and needs to be on the invoice.)
  3. Select the correct entity 
  4. Select the payment method (same payment method as used in payment)
  5. Untick all the boxes in order to create a new item for cancellation fee

Creating a new Sales Order for cancellation fee:

When all tHE boxes are unticked click on 'Add to the items lis' on the right hand bottom corner:

A new item will appear:

Adjust the name into 'Cancellation Fee'

Change the amount (according cancellation terms, this should be the same as the paid amount conform the to be charged reservation value). 

Do not forget to tick the box afterwards!

Press Save

IMPORTANT: (Initially the Type will always be on ROOM) If cancellation fee is applicable this should not be changed!)

Lastly: Press ' Create New Order'

The balance should be '0'

You can now Finalise the Sales Order

Now you can proceed to cancel the booking in GENERAL on the left hand corner of the booking page

Click on the More (eye) icon

Press the pen to edit the Status from Confirmed into Cancelled and Save

If a Cancellation Reason is required(depending on the Hotel Settings), select the applicable reason:



The booking has been cancelled successfully: