Pick Up Report

Learn how to analyze the "Pick Up Report" in Noovy to understand the booking pace, identify trends, and make informed decisions about your pricing and availability.

1. Accessing the Pick Up Report:

  • Log into your Noovy account.
  • Navigate to the Menu Bar on the Left and select the 'Reports' section, then locate and click on the 'Pick Up Report' option.

2. Understanding the Report:

  • Report Overview: The "Pick Up Report" shows the net change in reservations for future dates. It helps you track how many reservations are being added (picked up) or canceled for each day in the future.1-4
  • Data Columns:
    • Occ: This stands for Occupancy and shows the occupancy percentage for that day.
    • Rev: This represents Revenue and shows the total revenue for that day.
    • ADR: This stands for the Average Daily Rate.
    • PU 1D: This shows the net change in reservations for that specific date one day ago. For example, if it shows "1" for January 25th, it means there was a net increase of 1 reservation for January 25th yesterday (January 24th). This could mean 1 new booking, or 10 new bookings and 9 cancellations.
    • PU 3D: This shows the net change in reservations for that date three days ago.
    • PU 7D: This shows the net change in reservations for that date seven days ago.
    • PU 14D: This shows the net change in reservations for that date fourteen days ago.
    • PU 21D: This shows the net change in reservations for that date twenty-one days ago.
    • PU 30D: This shows the net change in reservations for that date thirty days ago.
  • Interpreting the Data: Positive numbers in the "PU" columns indicate a net increase in reservations (more bookings than cancellations). Negative numbers indicate a net decrease (more cancellations than bookings).

3. Analyzing the Report:

  • Booking Pace: The report helps you understand the pace at which bookings are being made for future dates. Are bookings picking up as the date gets closer, or are there a lot of last-minute cancellations?
  • Identify Trends: Analyze the data to identify any trends or patterns. For example, are there certain days of the week or times of the year when you see more bookings or cancellations?
  • Revenue Management: Use the insights from the report to adjust your pricing and availability strategies. If you see a strong pick up for a particular date, you might consider increasing prices. If you see a lot of cancellations, you might offer discounts or promotions to encourage bookings.

4. Filtering the Report:

  • Accessing the Filter: Click on the "Filter" button located on the top right corner.
  • Period:
    • Select a specific date range to analyze pick-up data for a particular period.
    • Click the calendar icon to choose start and end dates.
  • Market Segment:
    • If you have defined market segments (e.g., business travelers, leisure travelers, etc.), you can use this option to filter the report and see pick-up trends for specific segments.
  • Minimum 7D Pickup:
    • Enter a value in this field to filter the report and only show dates where the net pick up over the past 7 days is greater than or equal to the value you enter. This helps you identify dates with strong booking momentum.
  • Maximum 7D Pickup:
    • Enter a value here to filter the report and only show dates where the net pick up over the past 7 days is less than or equal to the value you enter. This can help you identify dates with potentially concerning booking trends (e.g., high cancellations).
  • Applying and Resetting:
    • Click "Save" to apply your filter selections.
    • Click "Reset" to clear the filter and view the full report.

5. Exporting the Report: 

  • It is possible to export the report in Excel or PDF