How to find a booking?

Finding a booking is sometimes difficult, especially when you have little information, or when information given or entered is incorrect. Find out how to quickly find a booking in Noovy.

The best way to find a booking is to enter the search criterea in the filter on the top right screen of the Booking List:

  • Hover your mouse to the side bar and click on Bookings
  • Click on the Filter icon, a pop up screen will appear
  • Search for the booking by entering any known criteria in the filter
  • Scroll down on the pop up screen to see all available criteria. Pls note that criteria need to be accurate in order to successfully find a booking.
  • If you would like to erase all previously entered criteria click on Reset
  • If you would like to search with the entered criteria click Search


The more criteria, the more mistakes can be made and therefore bookings are less likely to be found. Use the criteria one by one rather to add numerous criteria in the filter at once.

Also: Searching by name can be tricky as there might be two guests arriving under the same name (!). Once your search has resulted in multiple bookings on the same name, make sure you confirm for example the guest's first AND last name and perhaps even address to assure yourself you are dealing with the right guest