How to check-in a guest?

Checking in guests is about more than just a friendly face. Guests appreciate a fast and easy check in and Noovy allows you to do just that.

In Noovy multiple options are available to check in a guest. Via the Room Calendar, the Booking List , or via the Allocation section in the reservation.


Check in via the Room Calendar

  • Hover your mouse to the side bar to choose Room Calendar
  • Double Click on the booking you would like to check in. (The Default colour of a booking not yet checked in is grey )
    The booking page will open up and you can check in when going to the "allocation" section. If the correct room is allocated you are able to check in.
    Check in 2

    Mind you (!) you can not check in when the room is dirty (red dot in front of the room number)
    Change the status to clean by clicking on the red dot, it will turn green. 
    Please note that you have assured yourself  that the room is  indeed truly clean by physically checking or consulting housekeeping prior changing the room status to clean.  Guests entering a dirty room is obviously not desired. 

Check in via the Booking List:


  • Click on Arrivals: 
  • When the booking has been allocated a key symbol will be shown behind the room number. 
    (If no room number is shown Allocate the booking first. 
    *See article "How do I allocate a booking?" here 

  • Click on the key symbol in order execute a fast check in:
  • Noovy wil confirm your check in by showing a quick pop up
    If this was the last guest left to check in, Noovy will let you know:

Check in via the Allocation section of the booking:

  • When you have opened a booking (*see article "How do I open a booking?" here) go to the "Allocation section" and click on Check-in
    Check in 2

  • If the booking is not yet allocated a door symbol will be shown instead of a room number:
    Allocate the booking first (*see article "How do I allocate a booking?" here) and click on Check-in
    Check in 2


The side bar will lead you to anywhere you wish in the system.

You can open multiple tabs from the sidebar when you click on it with your right mouse button. Choose "Open link in new tab":  

A new tab will open in your browser, clicking on it will open up the desired part in Noovy. You can open up multiple tabs at once. It will be easier and quicker to navigate between tabs. . Working has never been so efficient!