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Booking page explained

Once you have opened a booking you will enter an area that enables you to view and edit the booking details. New users might find this seemingly vast environment a tad daunting but fear not, we are here to assist!

In this article the booking page will be explained per feature.

Once you have gone through them all and start putting theory into practice, Noovy will become your best friend!

Booking view explained

  1. Leave page to go back to Booking list
  2. Booking number Noovy  
  3. Copy Reservation a new reservation will be created with identical details of the booking one has copied
  4. Venue/hotel that is in use (an account can have multiple venues)
  5. General Detail (State & Status - Booking Date - Market Segment - Requested check in and check out time - Remarks)
    To edit any detail in this section click on the view (eye) buttongeneral

    *See article " What can I amend in General Details of a booking? " if you would like to learn what comes next. 

  6. Creator ( OTA or agent that created booking)
  7. Guest details (Name(s) - Address - Email address - ID - Phone number -Preferences - Balance  - Birth Date - Nationality - Number of reservations attached - Check out date - Notes)
  8. Registration Form - To Amend and to Print. Here you can also see if guests have completed the online check in registration. The box Online check in will be ticked off.

9.  Option to edit guest details - click on the pen to edit

By clicking on the view button (eye) in this section of the booking page you will be able to edit even more details:

*See article " What can I amend in the "Guest" section of a booking? " if you would like to learn what comes next.

10. Add credit card details - Clicking on the credit card icon will activate a pop up where you can add credit card details to create a credit card on file.

  • Click on the Plus symbol (+) 
  • Fill out the details & Hit Save
  • The card details will be saved on file but partially hidden (security reasons)



11.  Comments (create, view or delete) When a comment is applicable a dot will appear on the comment icon


12. Toggle for removing the taxes applied to the reservation in case of a business trip

13. In More you can find the following:

Option to attach files/ photos to the booking - Simply browse on your device to attach any file or image; 

 History - The log of the reservation: who did what and when:

14. Add Company attaching Company details to the booking

15. Amend - a Check in button appears in the "allocation section" (check-in will only be shown if arrival is “ today ”) :


When the desired action is not to check in but you would like to be able to manage/ amend below features click on view/more button (eye):


*See article " What can I amend in the " Allocation section" of a booking?" if you would like to learn what comes next.

16. Balance - Shows the outstanding amount/ settlement or overpayment of the bill

17. New Billing - manually create documents (Payments - Sales Orders - Invoices - Credits - Pay Outs)

18. Charge - make payments via Payment Gateway, Payment Link or Terminal Payment. Click on the type of payment to open up the concerning articles and teach you more.


- Payment Gateway - charge the credit card on file 
- Payment Link - Sent an automated email with a payment link to the guest. 
- Terminal Payment - Activate the terminal (issued by Noovy) on site 

19. View Document - Opening up a billing document to view details

20. Print - By clicking on the printer symbol behind a billing document your connected printer will  print out the concerning document (Sales Order/ Invoice/ Payment etc.)

21. More Action button -  Numerous actions can be executed here, type of actions vary per document 

22. Meal Plans - Option to add or remove meal plans
Click on the view/more (eye symbol) to continue and add or remove Meal Plans.


*See article: " How do I add a meal plan to a booking?

23. Add Extra’s - In Noovy extra's (items or products) have to be set up.  The number of extra's and/or item type will vary per venue (examples; Parking - Tickets - Late Check Out - Early Check In etc.) Extra's will generally have a price attached


24. Billing - All financial documents and financial features of a reservation. Click on the view button (eye) to show or hide all canceled documents if there are any.


If you would like to learn more about the financial part of a booking we would like to advise you to reach out to the persons in your team that have already had Noovy's extensive training. The Billing section is an intricate part that is best learned when taught personally as there are many details involved.

If you would like our support team to train you please be advised to contact us on support@noovy.com and we will be most happy to assist.